Welcome to services at Nakamoa.com!

This is a Managment Console for all your Nakamoa's services.

Below we listed currently ready and available services for your online store. There are more services in our lab but you will get quick pick after registration.

Please visit our main site www.nakamoa.com to get full list of other features and service for your online store.

oEmbed Provider

Would you like to promote your items on Pinterest or other platforms that utilize OEmbed format? Then sign up it's easy and start expose your products to greater audience.

Currently oEmebed service is used by Pinterest to get information for Rich pins in standard way. Rich pins are introduced by Pinterest to expose more information about pin. One of the rich pin type is product for online store.

We created service for your store to display product information on pinterest.


Do you want to stop spam email that you are getting via form in your online store?

We created service to eliminate spam completely. It will require proven technology so called captcha.

Currently we are using Google solution - reCaptcha. You can read more about it here

Order Email

Are you tired of old Yahoo text email and would like to have professional looking confirmation email that your customers will get?

Then sign up for our customized order email service.


Sign Up

It's is free! Most services have trial period and will not require any billing information.

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